Airbus A300B4-203F
Manufacturer: Model: Registration Number: Registration:
Airbus A300B4-203F EX-30002 Kyrgyz Republic
Operational Data
Max Taxi Weight: Maximum Takeoff Weight: Maximum Landing Weight: Maximum Zero Fuel Weight: Fuel Capacity: Basic Empty Weight:
365 740 lb 363 760 lb 299 828 lb 277 782 lb 16 380 US Gal 92 594 lb
165 900 kg 165 000 kg 136 000 kg 126 000 kg 62 000 L 48 670 kg
General Dimensions
Cargo doors clear openings (W x H)
Doors: Width: Height:
Main deck side cargo door 358 cm 249 cm
Forward lower deck cargo door 243,6 cm 211 cm
Aft lower deck cargo door 181 cm 208 cm
Bulk cargo door 95 cm 95 cm
Cargo Configuration
Main Deck Contours for ULD Size Codes A and M
Main Deck Contours for size codes R and G pallets

Note: For Size Code G and size code R pallets higher than 96 inches, the forward and inboard profile restrictions (bevels) prevent contact with the aircraft sidewall during cargo loading.

Cross Section
Main deck ULD Configurations
Boeing 747-200sf main cargo deck configurations
Configuration: ULD Qty: ULD size: ULD Layout:
P 29 125” x 96” side by side
C 33 125” x 88” side by side
Oversized pallets

Long pallets may be accommondated in the Boeing 29 pallet configuration. These pallets may be placed in any adjoining main deck positions (fore-aft) on either the right or left side of the airplane. Usually these pallets are placed on the right side of the airplane due to loading convenience.

Lower Hold Cargo Arrangements
Main deck ULD Configurations
Lower Hold Capability Containers and Pallets
Lower Deck Contours for ULD size codes “K” and “N”
Lower Deck Contours for ULD Size Codes A, M and L
Payload range